Meet the 19-Year-Old Arizona Comedian Who is Taking the Scene by Storm

Meet Aldo Campana, a 19-year-old Arizona comedian who is taking the states comedy scene by storm, and will be heading to New York for the New York Comedy Festival in November. We met up with Aldo after his guest spots at the Laff Comedy Cafe in Tucson on Oct 14th performing to two packed shows. An Arizona native, a member of the Just for Laughs new faces class of 2023 and one of the producers of the Hangman Comedy show, Aldo is making a name for himself within the comedy community and beyond, from bombing in front of a drunk birthday party in Scottsdale to killer sets in front of Gilbert cowboys Aldo is always an extremely entertaining act to watch.

Stand-up comedy is an art form that thrives on unpredictability, wit, and the ability to make an audience laugh, even in the face of silence or hecklers. In a recent interview with this young and promising comedian, we delved into the fascinating world of stand-up comedy. From handling hecklers to sharing personal experiences, this interview provides a unique glimpse into the life and thoughts of a comedian on the rise.

Navigating Hecklers:

One of the first topics that arose in the interview was hecklers. Hecklers, those often inebriated audience members who feel compelled to disrupt a comedian’s set, can be a challenging aspect of stand-up comedy. The drunk birthday party wearing pink stashes who just want to be the center of attention. The one event goer who thinks by talking to the comedian they are “helping the show”. Aldo described heckling as akin to someone challenging you to a “funny-off” or a rap battle in the middle of your set. It’s an unexpected and sometimes unwelcome element of live comedy that comedians must learn to navigate skillfully.

The Worst Heckler Ever:

When asked about the worst heckler Aldo has ever experienced, the he shared a memorable story from a comedy gig. He described a night when the host was being relentlessly heckled by a birthday party in the audience. Instead of ignoring it, Aldo decided to engage with the hecklers, resulting in a situation that escalated quickly. The audience’s response to his comeback left the room in awkward silence, highlighting the unpredictable nature of live comedy. “That’s not funny”…

Starting in Comedy:

The conversation then shifted to his early experiences in stand-up. We talked about his first open mic, which took place when he was only 17 years old at Stir Crazy Comedy in Glendale, AZ. This event was a mix of excitement and trepidation, Aldo admitting he was underprepared. It’s a reminder that every comedian has to start somewhere, even if it means facing less-than-stellar performances. Aldo claimed his first act actually went over well … however, we weren’t there and can not independently verify that statement. He said, “it wasn’t terrible” which might have given him a bias and naive perceptive. He marked, “I watched my set back and I shouldn’t have gotten as many laughs as I did”.

Comedy Influences:

Influences in comedy play a significant role in shaping a comedian’s style and approach. Aldo mentioned four comedians who have influenced their comedy journey: Louis C.K., Mark Norman, Norm MacDonald, and Shane Gillis. These comedians represent a diverse range of styles and approaches, showcasing the importance of exposure to different comedic voices.

Comedy Hangman:

One highlight of the interview was the discussion of an innovative comedy show called “The Hangmen Comedy Show”. This unique show flips the script by having a panel of comedians draw parts of a “hang man” anytime a joke doesn’t land. It’s a testament to the evolving landscape of comedy, where experimentation and pushing boundaries are key to keeping audiences engaged.


Aldo Campana in front of photos of two comedy leagues

The Impact of Social Media:

Social media has become a vital tool for comedians to promote their work and connect with audiences. While acknowledging its importance, he stressed the need to strike a balance between using social media to promote live shows and maintaining his authenticity. Aldo is not trying to be a Tic Tok influencer, he’s trying to be a stand-up. His promotional skills are working with over 100+ people showing up to his Comedy Hangman show at the House of Comedy in October. He is also taking the show to the New York Comedy Festival in November.


The world of stand-up comedy is a dynamic and ever-evolving realm where comedians must adapt to unexpected challenges, embrace influences, and find innovative ways to connect with audiences. This interview with Aldo provided a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a young comedian who is navigating the world of comedy with humor, resilience, and a commitment to their craft. 

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